Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Impact Of Capital Gains Tax On Residential Property Investment Essay

The Impact Of Capital Gains Tax On Residential Property Investment Performance And Viability In Australia - Essay Example Net losses in a tax year may be carried forward, but not offset against income. Personal use assets and collectables are treated as separate categories and losses on those are quarantined so they can only be applied against gains in the same category, not other gains. This works to stop taxpayers subsidizing hobbies from their investment earnings. (Wikipedia). This study will include the impact of CGT on Residencial Property Investment Performance and viability in Australia. Some organizations believe that because of this capital gains tax the increasing number of house affordability is alarming. Only a small percentage of family can now be able to afford houses. Instead they resort on renting it, still it is not that affordable to rent one. This high cost of housing is because of the capital gains tax in Australian. However to some investors it has a positive effect on their business. Capital Gain Tax as defined by Australian Taxation Office as the tax that you pay on any capital gain you include on your annual income tax return. It is not a separate tax, merely a component of your income tax. Your are taxed on your net capital gain at your marginal tax rate. All residential properties are subjected to capital gains tax. To those family that owns one or more properties the capital gain tax is complicated for them. Even if they uses the name of their spouse the said property is still subjected to capital gain tax. The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union - Construction and General Division, the CFMEU believes that Australia is in the grip of a housing crisis. This crisis is not only characterized by declining affordability in first home ownership, but by increasing levels of housing stress among low to middle income participants in the private rental market, the degradation and running down of public housing stock across Australia, and finally, by growi ng levels of homelessness in the community. The Union believes that this trend comes at a time when a select few have grown more and more wealthy off the back of a speculative boom in house and land prices, that serves to make the already well off even more affluent, while locking many ordinary Australians out of home ownership, and affordable rental housing. The Union bases its view on several important studies over the recent period, including work done by the Affordable Housing National Research Consortium, of which the Union was a part. However there are still residential properties which are exempted in the tax. This may have a positive effect to those who owns only one property but to some who has 2 or more property the capital gains tax is a burden for them. Impact of Capital Gains Tax to Residential Property in Australia As per described above one main impact of capital gain tax is the increasing number of non-affordability of renting and owning a house. Confusion on the application of the capital gain tax is also another reason of this. There are cases where in the property is not subjected to capital gain tax because of some exemptions which are further discuss in this paper. Factors Determining Application of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Outsorcing and Exchange Traded Funds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Outsorcing and Exchange Traded Funds - Essay Example These reasons have been adduced as the causes of outsourcing by United States. It has therefore become a trend for developed economies to outsource their processes to emerging markets. Emerging economies are those economies with relatively cheap cost of labor. As a result of outsourcing their processes, multinational companies have to exchange their home currencies in the foreign exchange market in order to acquire the currencies in the countries of operations. Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of problems. In this paper, the US dollar has been compared with Brazilian currency, the realm, over the last five years (Lydon, 2005). Business process outsourcing has been made in the information technology sector, financial sector, telecommunication sector and other after sales services. Brazil has become a preferred country for outsourcing since this has become one of the government strategies to create more employment opportunities and increase the gross domestic product . As a matter of fact, Brazil has become a preferred calling center. The rate of exchange in the years has kept on varying depending on the forces of demand and supply in the various countries. The country is rated next to Mexico and Europe irrespective of the proximity of these states. The preference of Brazil has been favored by the time zone, strong government support, conformity of culture high rates of fluency and growing technology (Stouffer, 2011). With the increasing outsourcing in Brazil, 25000 direct jobs and 75000 indirect jobs have been created. One of the major sectors that have actually grown is the IT section where the country’s size is the 8th in the world. The pooled skilled labor has enabled outsourcing in this country a preference. Outsourcing in the banking industry and the information providing areas has made Brazil increase it’s outsource capacity. The question that many ask is whether the fluctuating Brazil currency could be a hindrance to outsou rcing in Brazil. When companies establish their operations in a foreign country, the challenge that must be met is the competition with the home companies (Casale, 2008). The history of the US dollar against the realm from 2006 is as follows. In 2006 the realm per US dollar was 2.27 and 1.9 in the year 2007. As from the information, the realm gained against the US dollar and therefore any US firm that outsourced in Brazil had to incur additional cost for labor purposes (Lydon, 2005). In the year 2008 the exchange rate per US dollar was 1.63 and 1.95 kin the year 2009. The steadiness of the realm against the dollar therefore reduces the risk that is associated with operations in foreign countries. In the year 2010, the dollar was traded at 1.82. In as much as the rate has varied in the 5 years, it is worth realizing that the variation in the cost of the dollar has promoted the outsourcing to Brazil. Indeed, Brazil may be ranked the second after the giant outsourcer which is India. Th e decreasing value of the realm compared to the dollar could be a reason as to why Brazil could be the second option for countries to outsource. A stable currency is necessary in instances that outsourcing decisions are to be determined. The real against the dollar has remained stable between 1.7 and 1.9 to the dollar and this has made the United States be a desired place to outsource. There are several strategies that any firm with off shore outsourcing must do to ensure that

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Antelope Canyon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Antelope Canyon - Essay Example ly creates awareness among potential tourists, but also affects their rationality in terms of choice, as people tend to opt for something they have some knowledge of. An attempt to sample some of these hotels is provided hereunder. To begin with, the Clarion Inn is a long-stay, comfortable hotel with up to 74 rooms. In addition, the hotel has a business center complete with high-speed internet connectivity (Clarion Inn Motel, 2015). Located at the heart of the beautiful Lake Powell Country, this destination is ideal for individuals who want to enjoy nature’s tranquility. Next is Debbie’s Hide a Way, a hotel with one of the nicest flower patios in the area, can accommodate up to eight guests in their family and romantic hotels (Debbie’s Hide a Way, 2015). Another nice-looking, warmly hotel is the Red Rock Motel. With 14 rooms and a spacious packing lot, the motel offers extra-ordinary comfort at pocket-friendly rates (Red Rock Motel, 2015). Designed with 3 Romantic hotels and 4 Family hotels, Days Inn and Suites offers you amazing coziness at pocket friendly rates. Complete with 82 rooms and a business center with internet connectivity, the suite is idea for business vacations, family outin gs, as well as romantic dates (Antelope Canyon Hotel 2015). Knights Inn is a hotel suitable for family vacation as well as business retreats for the corporate world. Complete with 63 rooms, a spacious business center with internet connectivity (Knights Inn, 2015), this palatial hotel offers the type of comfort comparable to none. Located downtown Page, Best Western Plus is a 132-roomed hotel, with supplementing meeting rooms and business center (Best Western Plus), ideal for families on vacation as well as corporate retreats. In addition, the hotel is located in a convenient place that allows for breathtaking canyon adventures and sightseeing. Comfort Inn & Suites is a well-appointed hotel that offers tourists a luxurious feel. Located along Haul Road, the suite has 68

Monday, October 28, 2019

Have North Americans Stopped Caring Essay Example for Free

Have North Americans Stopped Caring Essay In Chapter 7 of Interest-Group Participation in American Democracy, an online source, an interest group is defined as an â€Å"organization or association of people with common interests that engages in politics on behalf of its members† (190). Since people cannot directly participate in governance, they associate themselves with groups that aim to change the political landscape. According to the same source, the rights of individuals to form such groups are protected by the Constitution (213). In spite of this, there seems to be a decline in participation of these groups. This paper aims to explain why. One of the factors that caused the said decline may be attributed to the dominance of the elite in political campaigns. In the past, citizens who share a common goal volunteered their time and energy to these endeavors. Today, campaigns require mammoth financial backing up to fund campaign activities opening doors for big corporations and the wealthy to make hefty contributions. The bottom line in the political industry is this: financial capital the wherewithal for mass marketing has steadily replaced social capital that is, grassroots citizen networks as the coin of the realm. † (Putnam, 39 40) An increase in cynicism is another cause for the decline in participation. According to Morris P. Firiona, people feel that only the â€Å"extreme voices† are heard leaving the â€Å"moderate middle† a couple of steps behind (395-425). Firiona also asserts that the transparency in the workings of the government showed people how messy policy making can get (Firiona, 395-425). However, it is important to note that the disillusionment is not completely depleting participation. Interest-Group Participation in American Democracy argues that the advancements in technology allow individuals to get involved without needing to go out to the streets to proclaim what they believe is right (204). With just a few clicks on the internet, current events unfold before the readers eyes. Discussion and blog sites are avenues which people take to express their thoughts and sentiments. These non-traditional means of participation are more convenient and less energy-consuming. These are popular especially among the youth who, according to Warren E. Miller and J. Merrill Shanks, have grown apathetic compared to previous generations (69). The dominance of certain groups such as the elite and the extremists, the increase in distrust in the government, and the waning of youth involvement are only some of the reasons why there is a decline in participation. This does not mean that citizens have stopped caring. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, non-traditional means of contribution is gaining momentum in this modern age.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Osi Model Essay -- Networks Telecommunications

UNDERSTANDING THE OSI MODEL AND THE RELATIONSHIP WITH TCP/IP The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a reference tool for understanding data communications between any two networked systems. It divides the communications processes into seven layers. Each layer both performs specific functions to support the layers above it and offers services to the layers below it. The three lowest layers focus on passing traffic through the network to an end system. The top four layers come into play in the end system to complete the process. This presentation will provide you with an understanding of each of the seven layers, including their functions and their relationships to each other. This will provide you with an overview of the network process, which can then act as a framework for understanding the details of computer networking. Also this paper will explain how the 802 specifications expanded the OSI reference model by dividing the data link layer into two layers. Finally, this paper will draw comparisons between the theoretical OSI model and the functional TCP/IP model. Although TCP/IP has been used for network communications before the adoption of the OSI model, it supports the same functions and features in a differently layered arrangement. The history of the development of the OSI model is, for some reason, a little-known story. Much of the work on the design of OSI was actually done by a group at Honeywell Information Systems, headed by Mike Canepa, with Charlie Bachman as the principal technical member. This group was chartered, within Honeywell, with advanced product planning and with the design and development of prototype systems. In the early and middle '70s, the interest of Canepa's group was pr... ...mputer systems communicate with one another in the world wide web or in a corporate setting. Personally, I have found that the OSI model relates to just about everything that I have done as an IT consultant. During computer migrations and configuring desktops to be networked on the corporate land, enables the workstations to communicate via the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. Having to map network drives enables users to have extra disk space other than just their hard drive to store data. When a user retrieves data from a network drive, the total process is through the seven layers of the OSI model. Configuring email accounts enables users to communicate via email transactions, a process that uses the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. References 1. Network Plus Guide to Networks (2002) 2. Ethernet Tutorial (2001) 3. Microsoft's guide to the OSI model (2004)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Assembly language vs. Mechanical language Essay

Assembly language can execute the same commands as machine language; however, the commands have names instead of numbers. Assembly language, unlike machine language, is a symbolic representation of operation codes, symbolic memory addresses and pseudo codes, which makes the virtual environment user friendly. Machine language, on the other hand, is represented as binary bits consisting of a string of 0s and 1s, which makes the virtual world challenging since the lingo is only comprehended primarily by computers. Therefore, assembly language is considered more user friendly than machine language. Assembly language enables programmers to relate op codes using symbolic names in place of numbers to perform an instruction or input a piece of data. Programmers can inscribe op codes using purposeful words like JUMP, CLEAR, and ADD as an alternative to cryptic binary codes consisting of series of 0s and 1s. An example of assembly language, machine language and its meaning are listed in the book called, â€Å"Invitation to Computer Science† (Schneider & Gersting, 2013, pp. 285, fig. 6.5). In figure 6.5, assembly language is clearly easier to comprehend than machine language, which makes assembly language user friendly. In addition, assembly language allows programmers to utilize symbolic addresses to replace numeric memory addresses in binary bits to execute a command or input data. Computer specialist can link symbolic labels to an instruction or piece of data in the program. In other words, the symbolic label turns into a permanent tag for the instruction or piece of data disregarding where it populates in the program or where it relocates in the memory. However, machine language is more complicated. To perform an instruction or input data in the memory in a specific location, the computer specialist must specify the direct address. For example, â€Å"In machine language, to jump to the instruction stored in memory location 18, you must specify directly to address 18 (write JUMP 18 in binary code). The programming is complicated if a new instruction or data is introduced anywhere within the 18 lines of the program, the jump location 18 shifted to 19. According to Schneider and Gersting, â€Å"This makes modifying programs very difficult, and even small changes become big efforts† (2013, pp. 285). Assembly language use symbolic address is proven to be more user friendly than a numeric address for programmers. Moreover, pseudo code allows the programmer to use a special type of assembly language to be converted into op code referred to as pseudo op. Unlike other operation codes, a pseudo –op does not develop a machine language for instructions or data. In order to execute such task, pseudo-op implores the service of the assembler. One of the many services provided by the assembler is the ability to generate instructions or data into the suitable binary likeness for the system. A brief summary of the conversion is documented in the publication â€Å"Invitation to Computer Science† (Schneider & Gersting, 2013, pp. 287). The summary breaks down how the pseudo-op commands the assembler to generate a binary representation for the integer, and so on. If a programmer had to manually construct the conversion, this would prove to be a very cumbersome task. Therefore the application of assembly language pseudo-op makes the task more favorable for the user. Consequently, assembly language symbolic representation of op codes, addresses, and pseudo codes all makes the virtual environmental experience for users more appealing than that of machine language. Assembly language is developed with the human factor in mind and with that, the experience for the programmer is uncomplicated. Advancement in the virtual world deemed assembly language more appropriate named low-level programming language. Where machine language in the virtual world was once considered primitive, assembly language to, now resides in the same era. In the land of programming, the assembly language created for a specific task or data input must be converted into machine language. The conversion is executed by an assembler. Therefore, low-level programming language, in the same manner, has to convert into machine language the same. More specifically, â€Å"Each symbolic assembly language instruction is translated into exactly one binary machine language instruction† (Schneider & Gersting, 2013, pp. 282). The translation into binary machine language means that instructions or data is represented by a series of 0s and 1s in order for the computer to execute the instruction or store the data information given. Schneider and Gersting said it best when they stated, â€Å"†¦it is the language of the hardware itself† (2013, pp. 282). Since programmers are not hardware the process could prove to very cumbersome for users. The silver lining in this storm is the creation of high-level programming language. Unlike low-level programming language, high-level programming language is more maneuverable by the programmer. High-level programming language is created to use both natural language and mathematical notation. In other words, Schneider and Gersting states, â€Å"A single high-level language instruction is typically translated into many machine language instructions, and the virtual environment created by a high-level language is much more powerful than the one produced by an assembly language† (2013, pp. 282). In short, high-level programming language differs from low-level programming language in that the translation into many machine languages versus translation into one machine language is more powerful. Moreover, high-level programming language is user friendly rather than low-level programming language which is computer friendly. Since the general idea is making the virtual world friendlier for its users, if Internet did not exist, I would not be so friendly. I access the internet on a daily basis for a variety of tasks like; paying bills, scheduling and canceling appointments, recipes, purchases, banking, and the list could go on and on. However, the most important area of internet use is paying bills. Prior to the internet, paying bill required physically visiting the establishment where the bill is to be paid, purchasing a money order in some cases, writing a check or even more archaic, paying with cash. Somehow, a bill or two slipped through the cracks. Now that the primitive days are over and technology has advanced the human nation, auto pay makes life much easier. The merchants that are due payment for services rendered receive payment automatically and all that is required, is manually setting the date, amount and merchant to be paid. Auto pay is convenient, one less tree is destroyed and gas is saved for another day. Simple as my reasons may be, it works for me. Advance in virtual technology make life easier for internet user, however, piracy can present itself as a problem if certain protocols are not put in place. When communicating with others over the internet, there are many ways to safeguard your computer, here are five protocols used as protection while communicating over the internet, authentication, authorization, encryption, system administrator, and firewalls. A combination of all these protocol could safeguard users while communicating over the internet. Authentication is a way of verify the individual right to access a computer. The individual accessing the computer usually has a unique username and password that allows the computer to recognize the individual to allow access to the system. For example, most employers allow their employees access to computers on the job for various duties. However, some user have restrictions where as others do not. In, â€Å"Invitation to Computer science†, a passage on authentication reads, â€Å"When a user attempts to log on to the machine, the operating system reads the user ID and checks that the password matches the password for that user in the password file† (Schneider & Gersting, 2013, pp. 391). Piracy can still occur if this is the only protocol used. However, if authentication is partnered with encryption, communication may not be compromised over the internet. Encryption allows users to create a message in plain text but before it is send to its destination the message is encrypted also known as ciphertext. When the message is obtained by the receiver the content is decoded so it is able to be read. However, if the message is hijacked by the incorrect receiver, the plain text remains encrypted. Encryption according to Schneider & Gersting, â€Å"is the process of using an algorithm to convert information into a representation that cannot be understood or utilized by anyone without the proper decryption algorithm;†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (2013, pp. 401). Moving along in safe communication over the internet is authorization. Authorization dictates what an authenticated user has permission to do. Contingent on whom the authorized individual may be, they possess the ability to read, write, execute or delete files. The text, â€Å"Invitation to Computer Science† states, â€Å"The system administrator or superuser has access to everything, and is the person who sets up the authorization privileges for all other users† (Schneider & Gersting, 2013, pp. 395). A more tangible explanation is, I am the system administrator for my personal laptop and I delegate authorization to other users. Next in safety is firewall software. Firewall software blocks access points to a users’ computer. It inhibits communication to or from sites you the user do not allow. In addition to safety while communicating over the internet, safeguarding your computer against viruses is vital. One measure a user can utilize to safeguard their computer against viruses is antivirus software. There is much antivirus software available on the market but the main two that comes to mind is Norton and McAfee antivirus software. Both seem to be popular amongst consumers of today. Antivirus software recognizes viruses, worms and Trojan horses by unique signature these programs transmit. The software wipes out the tainted program being transmitted which safeguards your computer from any threats. In the last 12 months, the following three computer viruses have had a significant impact on business are Shamoon which attacked Saudi Aramco oil company computer, St. Barnabas Healthcare System e-mails were infiltrated by Melissa and a Chinese hacker infiltrated the Times computer system through malware which granted them access to any computer on the Times network. The morning of August 15, 2012 a virus was unleashed to execute the destruction of a company called Aramco’s, corporate PCs documents, spreadsheets, e-mails, files putting in place of all the items demolished, an image of a burning American flag. The person responsible for such destruction is unknown but the article states, â€Å"†¦a person with privileged access to the Saudi state-owned oil company’s computers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is the villain (Perlroth 2012). The name of the virus that collapsed Aramco’s computers is called Shamoon. The virus compelled the company to terminate the company’s internal network in efforts to hinder the virus from spreading like wildfire. In another article, St. Barnabas Health Care System e-mails were sabotaged by the horrendous e-mail virus Melissa. The virus surfer the information highway and infected E-mail systems worldwide, hindering networks and hard drives and to add insult to injury destroyed data. In efforts to save the St. Barnabas Health Care System immediate shut down of the system and networks was in order to rid the organization of the problem. In the same manner, Chinese hackers installed malware to infiltrate Times computer system to obtain passwords for personnel employed by Times. The Chinese hacker had a four month running spree of consistently attacking Times systems. The article states, â€Å"The timing of the attacks coincided with the reporting for a Times investigation, published online on Oct. 25, that found that the relatives of Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, had accumulated a fortune worth several billion dollars through business dealings† (Perlroth 2013). In efforts to intercept the Chinese hackers attacks, Times employed security guru to detect and block the attacks. Perlroth reports, â€Å"Computer security experts found no evidence that sensitive e-mails or files from the reporting of our articles about the Wen family were accessed, downloaded or copied,† said Jill Abramson, executive editor of The Times† (2013) References Larson, A. (1999, July 12). Global Security Servey: Virus Attack. Information Week, Perlroth, N. (2012, October 23). In Cyberattack on Saudi Firm, U.S. Sees Iran Firing Back. New York Times, Perlroth, N. (2013, January 30). Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 Months. New York Times, Schneider, G.M. & Gersting, J.L., (2013). Invitation to Computer Science. (6th ed.). Boston, Ma: press

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Intro to Microeconomics Study Guide Essay

Economics is the study of allocation of scarce resources 1) Chapter One: The Principles of Microeconomics a. Four resources: Land, Labor, Capital (machinery), Entrepreneurship (human capital) b. Principle #1: People face trade-offs, government also faces them, the main one the gov. faces is efficiency vs. equity i. Efficiency is when everyone who makes the most, keeps the most money ii. Equity would be if everyone was taxed the same c. Principle #2: The cost of something is what you give up iii. Opportunity cost = the measurement of trade-off you give up something you can have later, to get something now d. Principle #3: Rational people think at the margin iv. They do what’s best for them and maximize benefits v. Think at the margin = thinking about the NEXT one vi. Margin=small incremental changes e. Principle #4: People respond to incentives vii. Prices are major incentives viii. Taxes/tax credit f. Principle #5: Trade can make everyone better off ix. Everybody can specialize x. More variety of goods xi. Doesn’t always make everyone better off ex: Jamaica, NAFTA xii. One partner can be strong and over power others g. Principle #6: Markets are a good way to organize economic activity xiii. People are guided by self-interest xiv. Markets are where consumers and suppliers come together and trade-off occurs h. Principle #7: The government can improve market outcomes xv. Main act of government – enforce property rights xvi. Government can step in if there’s market failureexternalities occur (taxes can be enforced for cigarettes), people who aren’t in the market are ffected xvii. Government can step in when there’s market power xviii. Monopoly/oligopoly-government might step in 2) Chapter 2: What does it mean to think like an economist? i. Objectively j. Scientific method xix. Observe, hypothesis, identify variables, collect data, test hypothesis, draw a conclusion k. Difficult to conduct a controlled experiment in economics l. Circular Flow Diagram = money and goods and services flow from input marketoutput market xx. Flow of Money: Market for factors of production (input market) households get income spending on markets of goods and services (output market) which generates revenue for firmswhich pay wages and rent for factors of production xxi. Flow of goods and services: Market for factors of production (input market) buys factors (land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship)firms which sell goods and servicesto market of gas and serviceswhich buy goods and services from households, which sell factors to market for factors of production xxii. This marketing is missing government, trade, savings, black market activities and charity work/non-profits m. Production Possibilities Frontier: how much a country can produce xxiii. Assumptions: one country, two goods, resource = labor xxiv. Bowed out PPF due to different resources (L) xxv. Opportunity cost increases with bowed out PPF because it takes more and more to make one more of the good xxvi. Any points along the PPF are efficient, outside the curve are not feasible and inside the curve is inefficient xxvii. Efficiency means we maximize our resources xxviii. To get more of the good, you have to give up some of the other good xxix. More resources for both goods increase: entire curve shifts out xxx. More resources for just one good increase: curve shifts on one side only xxxi. If the PPF is straight, it’s because there are multiple resources for both goods xxxii. Just stating a fact = positive statement and normative statement = subjective 3) Chapter 3: Absolute and Comparative Advantage n. Absolute advantage is when you make something more efficiently than someone else, so that less is required, which means less opportunity cost xxxiii. Assumptions: 2 people who can make goods, 2 goods that both people want to consumer, time is the only input, both people want to consume both goods and they’ll only trade if they can produce one good xxxiv. Each person works 8 hrs. per day o. Farmer can produce 8 donuts and 32 cups of coffee; Baker can produce 24 donuts and 48 cups of coffee xxxv. The baker has absolute advantage because he can make more donuts and more coffee than the farmer in 8 hrs. xxxvi. Graphing: use points (8, 0) and (0, 32) for farmer’s PPF and CPF (consumption possibilities frontier). Use points (24, 0) and (0, 48) for baker’s PPF and CPF p. Trade deal: Farmer will make only coffee (which is all 32 cups of coffee in 8 hrs. ), baker offers farmer 5 donuts for 15 cups of coffee xxxvii. Trade increases variety xxxviii. Farmer ends up with +5 donuts and – 15 cups coffee = 5 donuts and 17 cups coffee q. Comparative advantage is when you have a lower opportunity cost xxxix. The opportunity cost of one donut for the farmer is 4 cups of coffee and for the baker is 2 cups of coffeebaker is comparative advantage in donuts because of lower opportunity cost xl. The opportunity cost for one cup of coffee for the farmer is ? donut and for the baker is ? donutfarmer has opportunity cost in coffee because of lower opportunity cost r. The price range after the trade deal will lie between opportunity cost of both people, so both are better off xli. 2 cups of coffee ? P ? 4 cups of coffee 4) Chapter 4: Supply and Demand s. Assumptions: one good, one market, market is perfectly competitive (many buyers and sellers, all goals are the same across firms and price takers) t. Demand xlii. Demand curve shows relationship between price and willingness to buy (P and Qd) xliii. Quantity demanded (Qd) is the amount consumers are willing and able to buy xliv. LAW OF DEMAND: P, Qd = negative correlation xlv. Market demand is the sum of individuals’ demands xlvi. Variables that increase or decrease demand: IP-TEN 1. Income a. I, Qd = Normal good b. I, Qd = Inferior good 2. Price of related goods c. Pa, QDb = Substitutes d. Pa, QDb = Complements 3. Taste and preferences 4. ExpectationsEx: when you except the price of a good to increase later on, you will buy more now when it’s cheaper 5. Number of buyersMore buyers = higher demand u. Supply xlvii. Supply curve shows relationship between Price and Quantity supplied (P and Qs) xlviii. Quantity supplied is the amount sellers are willing and able to sell xlix. LAW OF SUPPLY: P, Qd = Positive correlation l. Variables that shift supply curve: I-TEN 6. Input price (Ex: wages increase) e. IP, Qs f. IP, Qs 7. Technologyadvancement means Cost, Supply 8. Expectationsexcepting a technological advancement 9. Number of sellers g. # Sellers, Qs h. # Sellers, Qs v. Consider: market for hybrid cars li. Event: price of gasoline goes updemand is impactedP of gas so people will look for substitutesdemand for hybrids (curve shifts right) lii. Event: technology advance reduces cost of productionsupply impactedsupply because it’s easier and cheaper to produce (curve shifts right)P , Qs liii. Event (i) & (ii): P of gas & technology –>D and S both impactedD, SQ and P is ambiguous (depends on degrees of shifts and how you graph curve shifts) w. Consider: market for bus rides liv.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

All ideologies are broad churches Discuss with reference essays

All ideologies are broad churches Discuss with reference essays An ideology can be seen as a rational and complex science of ideas which offers some form of political and cultural schemata for certain social orders, in an attempt to explain how society should work ultimately aiming for the implementation of a form of utopia. Political ideologies are largely concerned with both the allocation and systematic usage of power, and are thus subject to public scrutiny and evolve with changes in modern day society and culture. Different interpretations of these evolutions often lead to the formation of different ideological structures, and similarly, single ideologies which may be seen as a whole are actually comprised of many different substrands which have developed from their counterparts. As a result, it can be said that no ideology is finite, and that ideologies are always going through periodical and progressive changes in correlation with societys. The phrase broad churches refers to this idea, that within a body of political or philosophical t hought, there are a variety of co-existing (and competing) ways of thinking. One example of this is liberalism. Liberalism is viewed as the dominant modern political ideology, embodying a common sense approach to its analysis (Hall 1986). It identifies the individual, aiming to maximise freedoms, and social equality. However, despite similar labels, liberal parties across different nations differ tremendously. Developed in the 17th century, its initial standing was to challenge the dominance of the monarchy and to establish a stable society in which individuals could exercise their own rights. Among the main developments were Lockes social contract theory, identifying the notion of consent and authority and its role in legitimising governmental actions. As society evolved into the industrial revolution in the 18th century, liberalism adopted an economic focus and the notion o...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Western Medicines Impact on the Traditional Beliefs of the Kaliai essays

Western Medicines Impact on the Traditional Beliefs of the Kaliai essays The people of the Kandoka village, located in Papua New Guinea, have quite a unique way of life that differs from that of Western civilization in several ways. They are essentially a simple society based on subsistence horticulture and occasional hunting. With a population of approximately four hundred people, the Kandoka village is "the largest of the five coastal villages of Lusi-Kaliai speakers. Travel between these different communities is achieved by foot or sea and usually requires a substantial amount of time. This can be quite problematic in cases of medical emergency. Although a registered nurse is located at an Aid Post a few miles from the village, more serious cases are often referred to hospitals quite far away. The Kaliai have now been in contact with Western culture for over a century and with Western medicine for almost fifty years. They have still managed to maintain their strong cultural beliefs and practices while at the same time integrating certain aspects of Western culture into theirs. In this essay I will discuss how the availability of Western medicine has affected how the Kaliai perceive and explain causes of illness and methods of treatment, when they seek this type of treatment, and how they explain and deal with it's failure. I will then proceed to comment on how and when traditional treatment is exercised and what happens if this method fails. The information used in the discussions is provided in a series of case histories documented by Drs. Dorothy and David Counts. It is from these cases we find that the people of the Kandoka village have generally accepted Western medicine and use it in varying combinations with traditional practices. Western Medicine's Impact on Perceptions of Illness With the introduction of Western medicine into the Kandoka village came new ways of explaining illness and providing treatment. Contact with Western missionaries had established a great deal of respect for...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Conditions Often Mistaken for Plantar Fasciitis

Conditions Often Mistaken for Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting feet that you can feel with every step you take.  The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the arch of your foot. Its usually localized at the sole of your foot, but the pain can be perceived as radiating throughout parts of your foot, ankle, and lower leg. That means plantar fasciitis might be confused with other conditions affecting your foot. A number of conditions can cause foot pain and be mistaken for plantar fasciitis. These conditions typically must be evaluated and ruled out before a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. Ruptured Plantar Fascia In plantar fasciitis, the plantar fascia has micro-tears throughout the tissue. With a ruptured plantar fascia, the tears are larger and represent a significant injury. The two conditions have similar symptoms, but they are differentiated by the severity of pain and cause of the injury. A ruptured plantar fascia is almost always significantly more painful than plantar fasciitis. It also usually has a precursor, either plantar fasciitis or significant trauma. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, it could worsen, weakening the plantar fascia to the point that it ruptures. If your foot is otherwise healthy, then it usually occurs during trauma or significant impact to your foot. Rupturing your plantar fascia is usually accompanied by a â€Å"pop† resulting in severe pain and an inability to bear weight on that foot. Swelling and bruising often soon follow. Surgery and other medical procedures might be needed to help the plantar fascia mend. Arthritis Arthritis is a common condition many people suffer from somewhere in the body. When arthritis occurs in the lower leg, ankle, or some part of the foot, the pain can be perceived the same way as pain from plantar fasciitis. Not only can the location of pain from arthritis be confused with plantar fasciitis pain,  but also the occurrence of pain can be similar. Arthritis pain usually is worse when the arthritic joint is being used. When the joint is at rest there might be no pain, the same pattern you see in plantar fasciitis. So you might have arthritis in your heel and not notice it until you take a step. Arthritis can be more painful when the body part is cold. The first step in the morning might be the most painful of the day with both plantar fasciitis and arthritis of the foot, simply because the anatomy is cold and tight and has not warmed up. The pain may dissipate with either as the foot warms up and blood flows more robustly. To diagnose plantar fasciitis, arthritis must usually be ruled out. Arthritis can be diagnosed with a more thorough workup by your doctor. Imaging tests might be needed. Stress Fracture Another condition commonly mistaken for plantar fasciitis is a stress fracture. A stress fracture is normally a partially broken bone. Instead of being broken all the way through, the bone is only cracked along a surface. Stress fractures usually are shallow along the surface of the bone but might be deep. Some stress fractures are a single crack in the bone, while others might be an  interweaving of small cracks, like the cracked shell of a hard-boiled egg. If the stress fracture is in your heel, toe, or metatarsal, then the pain might seem to be coming from the same spot as plantar fasciitis and feel like an injured plantar fascia: The more pressure you put on it, the more pain you feel. A stress fracture usually is distinguished from plantar fasciitis by pinpointing the location of the pain. Pain from a stress fracture also doesnt tend to dissipate the same way that pain from plantar fasciitis does as the fascia gets warmed and loosened up.   If the pain comes from the top of the foot, it is more likely to be a stress fracture in the metatarsal, which is prone to developing such fractures. If the pain is in the bottom of the foot, it is more likely to be plantar fasciitis. Pain from a stress fracture in the heel bone often seems to be coming from the same place as does plantar fasciitis. An x-ray typically can identify or rule out a stress fracture as the cause of your pain, even if the probability of it being plantar fasciitis is much higher. Circulatory Issues Issues with your circulatory system, such as bad circulation or cardiovascular problems, can cause symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis. Your feet are the body parts farthest from your heart and tend to feel the effects of poor circulation first. Are your feet ever cold while the rest of you is warm, and not because youre walking on a cold floor? Gravity and weight are also factors. Your blood pressure is higher in your lower body, especially in your feet, than it is in your upper body because theres  more pressure on it. Inflammation in your feet and lower legs- from being on your feet for a while, for example- can further constrict blood vessels. Not only does blood flow down to your feet, but it also must be pumped back up. The weakening of those support systems, the one-way valves in your veins, results in varicose veins. All this can lead to pain, which can be caused by weaknesses in the blood vessels resulting in a backup of blood flowing, creating painful pressure. Pain may also be caused by a lack of oxygen and nutrients getting to the tissue in your feet because of poor blood flow. Instead of your foot falling asleep, you might feel a deep, throbbing ache. Pain also can be caused by blood clots, which can lead to life-threatening situations. Because circulatory issues are serious, they should be thoroughly vetted and ruled out if youre having pain in your foot, even if you think its probably plantar fasciitis. This is especially true if you have varicose veins, tingling or swelling in the foot, or the same symptoms in both feet because plantar fasciitis is typically  a single-foot injury. Your doctor can evaluate your cardiovascular health by monitoring your blood pressure and blood oxygen level. The doctor might also suggest an EKG and a cardiovascular stress test to find out whats going on. Nerve Entrapment Nerves can cause extreme pain when compromised. The pain might not be felt where the nerve is compromised but at the end of the nerve structure, where the nerves chemical signals are parsed out to the cells that receive them. Nerve entrapment syndrome sometimes is confused with plantar fasciitis. In nerve entrapment syndrome, pressure is placed on a nerve by some other body part, such as a bone, muscle, or cyst.  When a nerve is trapped or pinched by other tissue, that tissue squeezes it and the nerve sends out a pain signal. This can happen to many nerves in your body, but the one most commonly mistaken for plantar fasciitis is the tibial nerve, which runs down the back of your leg. When the tibial nerve is pinched or entrapped near the ankle, it is called tarsal tunnel syndrome. The tibial nerve is most often entrapped there because its a mass of nerves, ligaments, and muscles squeezing through a skeletal structure called the tarsal tunnel, similar to the wrists carpal tunnel. If the tibial nerve is pinched, then you feel pain in the bottom of your foot much like with plantar fasciitis. Unlike plantar fasciitis, you might also feel tingling or numbness in the bottom of your foot. You should be able to replicate the symptoms without placing weight on your foot. If you can perform the same motions and pinch the nerve with your foot elevated, then the pain is most likely not coming from the plantar fascia. Sciatica Sciatica is another nerve-induced pain that can be mistaken for plantar fasciitis. Sciatica comes from farther away than tarsal tunnel syndrome, however. Sciatica is a pinching or irritation of the nerve in your spine. Your spine is composed of a number of bones, or vertebrae. Between each vertebra is a disc, similar to a gel pad, that cushions the vertebrae against each other and allows for flexibility of the spine. A disc might get irritated and, like most irritated body parts, become inflamed. The inflammation usually results in swelling in one small part of the disc, which makes the disc act like an old rubber inner tube. If there is a weak spot in the wall of an inner tube, it will bulge when you inflate it. The disc bulges, and if it takes more damage, it can rupture.  This is a herniated disc. The main nerve column in the body runs along the spine. The sciatic nerve, one of the body’s largest nerves, runs in this nerve bundle. When the disc bulges or ruptures, it can put pressure on part of the sciatic nerve, resulting in sciatica. This often sends a shooting pain down your leg, but the pain might be felt in your foot. As with other nerve pain, you might also feel a tingling or numbness, which can differentiate sciatica from plantar fasciitis. Fat Pad Atrophy Atrophy of the heels fat pad also might be confused with plantar fasciitis. As you age, this fat pad becomes thinner. Other factors might affect the thinning, but science doesnt fully understand whats happening. This fat pad is the first cushion for your gait. The pad can become so thin that it doesnt cushion the heel bone, and the heel suffers from repetitive trauma that can result in painful irritation, inflammation, a bone bruise, or a stress fracture. The pain often occurs in the same location as pain from plantar fasciitis. The pain might also be worse in the morning and dissipate as you loosen up. A doctor usually can determine if this is causing the pain by examining the thickness of the heel’s fat pad. Achilles Tendon Rupture Like a ruptured plantar fascia, an Achilles tendon rupture may create symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis. A ruptured Achilles tendon is a major tear in the thick tendon that runs along the back of your ankle from your calf to your heel. With a ruptured Achilles tendon, you have difficulty bearing weight on the foot. The pain can be severe and doesnt necessarily dissipate when you are off your feet. Another difference between a ruptured Achilles tendon and plantar fasciitis is that the pain with a ruptured Achilles usually is felt along the back of the heel; with plantar fasciitis, pain is more likely to be felt along the front of your foot. Tendonitis Tendonitis is similar in nature to plantar fasciitis, as the tissue that makes up the plantar fascia is the same type of tissue that makes up a tendon. Tendonitis can occur in any tendon within your body, and there are several tendons in your foot. Tendonitis in any foot tendon can result in pain when you step and stretch the tendon. The pain also should dissipate as the tendon warms and loosens up. The tendon in the foot most likely to develop tendonitis is the Achilles tendon along the back of your foot. You can usually distinguish between Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis by the location of the pain.  Achilles tendonitis generally results in pain along the back of the heel, while plantar fasciitis generally means pain in front of the heel.   Bursitis Bursitis is another repetitive stress injury that can occur throughout the body. Bursae in the foot can become inflamed and develop bursitis like their more commonly stricken brethren in the knee, elbow, shoulder, and wrist. An inflamed bursa is tender and exudes pain when its compressed. If this occurs in the foot, especially in a bursa at the bottom of the foot, it can present symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis. Bursitis can be differentiated from plantar fasciitis by direct pressure. Since an inflamed bursa is tender and plantar fascia has little sensitivity, massaging it without much pain would indicate plantar fasciitis. If massaging  or just touching it causes a lot of pain, then it is more likely to be bursitis.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Compare and contrast Number Four at Stow (boutique hotel) and Accor Essay

Compare and contrast Number Four at Stow (boutique hotel) and Accor group (chain hotel) - Essay Example On the other hand, the benefit of the Accor Group of Hotels lies in the fact that it is spread all across Europe and even in the US and Canada, thus giving customers an option to go to a hotel they are familiar with, anywhere. Number Four at Stow Caroline and Patricia have a dedicated team at Number Four and work hard to ensure that their stylish, contemporary boutique hotel offers luxury and comfort as well as an enjoyable unique personal service. Their culinary attraction, Chef Brian Cutler prepares his innovative menu from locally sourced and seasonal produce that makes it a guaranteed winner. Number Four at Stow, is the perfect place in which to unwind.   Located on the Fosseway between Bourton on the Water and Stow-on-the-Wold, this hotel is ideally situated in the heart of the captivating Cotswolds.   You can explore many stately homes and National Trust properties in the area. They have something for everyone, including wildlife parks, a range of shops to tickle the fancy of the shopaholics, art galleries and antique stores for those with impeccable taste. There are also walkways, pubs and a range of activities for those who love the outdoors such as horse riding, golfing and shooting. And for those who just want to relax, they can book into a local spa for a soothing massage or facial. ( Accor Group The hotels from Accor Group are very different from Number Four. Accor’s hotel operations include  complementary brands from luxury to budget  that have made a mark around the world because of their high quality service. Some of the hotels are: Sofitel, Pullman, MGallery, Novotel,  Suite Novotel, Mercure,  ibis, all seasons, Etap hotel, hotelF1, Motel6, as well as Thalassa sea & spa  and Lenotre. The Accor Group has a presence in 90 countries, with  4,229 hotels and more than 500,000 rooms. Their specialty lies in the tailor-made services they provide to each customer, whether business or pleasure. ( Ana lysis The benefits of each of these hotels vary. While Number Four is more focused on its clientele in Birmingham, The Accor Group has a variety of hotels across the world and is still expanding. Comparing the two one can see that they both want to please their customers and bring them back. For this purpose, Number Four has introduced various services for their customers and has included the element of personal attention. On the other hand, the Accor Group is trying to achieve the same by giving their customers more options in terms of hotels, brands, prices, themes and locations. They have a variety of brands in their hotel groups that range across budget, economy, midscale, upscale and luxury. They might have considered that they are a strong brand and can provide people with options. Considering that the target here for both the hotels is the business travel market, one can realize that their strategies to achieve success are completely different although neither is necessarily wrong. Business travelers have needs and requirements that are different from casual travelers who are staying in hotels for pleasure, or on holidays. While travelling on business, they mostly require staying at places where they can have meetings, seminars and conferences, not to mention that they most probably will be working and therefore need an environment that will promote fruitful work and aid them in their business. Business hotels need a lot

Friday, October 18, 2019

A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of the Late Quaternary Site at Deeping Coursework

A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of the Late Quaternary Site at Deeping St. James, Lincolnshire - Coursework Example Through the analysis of the ecology that thrives in the region, one can distinctly identify the environmental conditions of the time. Although different proxies have analyzed different aspects of the ecology, this paper will highlight the analysis of different types of mollusks extracted from a sentiment sample from Deeping St. James. Through the identification and description of the mollusks in the sentiment, the paper will present a reconstruction of the environment of the pond and describe the environmental conditions of the time. Introduction Climate change accounts for the conditions evident geographically today. Archeologists have ventured into describing the probable processes and stages that resulted to the current environment. As environmental changes occur, a shift in the organisms that can thrive in certain ecological conditions occurs. Understanding the past environment can help in putting the current environment into perspective. Deeping St. James in Lincolnshire is one of the characteristic sites that that contains evidence of the climatic changes over time leading to the deposition of different materials. Climatic changes in the region have comprised periods of temperate conditions followed by extremely cold conditions. Different researchers have studies the palaeo-environment and produced different proxies that can suffice in providing information concerning the site over time (Haslett, 2002:1-2). A multi-proxy analysis approach is one of the critical ways in providing relevant information while reconstructing the past environment. The primary concern in Deeping St. James would was being able to analyze the different species of mollusks thriving in the environment today. A morphological and ecological definition of the species would shed light into the nature of past environment. This paper will analyze the species and provide a sketch of the reconstruction of the site during the ipswichian stage. The reconstruction of the palaeo-environment pro cess begins with an analysis of the stratigraphy at Deeping ST. James in order to establish the geological framework of the site (Haslett, 2002:1-2). A thorough analysis of the available proxy records is essential in providing the basic palaeo-environment. The third and most critical step involves the development of a chronology of events that can help construct a dating framework. The next step involves the linking of different sequences using a correlation basis with data from other locations. Finally, a consideration of all lines of evidence helps in the synthesis of palaeo-environment. Methods In order to identify the mollusc species that thrives in the sediments at Deeping St. James Lincolnshire, there was a sample for analysis. The methods of analysis used depended on the sample and organism of interest. The source of the sample was the site of interest. The initial procedure involved an extraction of the organisms provided. After extraction, the available proxies and referenc e books served as resourceful materials in the identification of the extracted species, moreover, these materials provided information concerning the ecology of the species. The final procedure involved the development of a reconstruct of the palaeo-environment of the site. Procedure of Extraction The initial step involved sprinkling of a thin and even covering of the sample onto a petri-dish. The following step involved picking out all the shells

Political Socialisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Political Socialisation - Essay Example One of the major criticisms against the process of political socialization has been that it adversely affects the large numbers of women in politics and the recent evidences from the politics of world nations substantiate this view. Politics is all about power and power relationships and the people who enjoy power have always been superior in politics. The process of political socialization has the power of defining the relationships among the members of the society and this process decides the matters and topics of political discussions. â€Å"The process of political socialization invariably involves the power to define relationships ‘including the capacity to nominate others as equal or unequal memorable or abject, discusser or the discussed.’ In the social system of the day, men are always regarded as the superior gender that has the potential in determining the course of political and social destinies of a nation and the role of women has been sidelined. The impact of the process of political socialization on the status of the large number of women in politics is largely due to the interference of society in the long process of political socialization. Political and feminist thinkers from time to time have been in criticism on the process of political socialization which deteriorates the role of female politicians all over the world. Kate Millett has been an acute critic of this process which, according to her, subjugates the female gender to the superiority of the opposite gender.... s been that it adversely affects the large numbers of women in politics and the recent evidences from the politics of world nations substantiate this view. Politics is all about power and power relationships and the people who enjoy power have always been superior in politics. The process of political socialisation has the power of defining the relationships among the members of the society and this process decides the matters and topics of political discussions. "The process of political socialisation invariably involves the power to define relationships 'including the capacity to nominate others as equal or unequal memorable or abject, discusser or the discussed.'" (Mangan P. 2). In this process of political socialisation, the involvement of women in the political matters is greatly affected. In the social system of the day, men are always regarded as the superior gender that have the potential in determining the course of political and social destinies of a nation and the role of women has been sidelined. The impact of the process of political socialisation on the status of the large number of women in politics is largely due to the interference of society in the long process of political socialisation. Political and feminist thinkers from time to time have been in criticism on the process of political socialisation which deteriorates the role of female politicians all over the world. Kate Millett has been an acute critic of this process which, according to her, subjugates the female gender to the superiority of the opposite gender. Thus, Millett has described the female's 'consent' to the male-over-female paradigm "as a process of socialisation in which women were constrained to be passive, ignorant, valued if at all for bearing children, a function shared with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Paper #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Paper #1 - Assignment Example He termed the use of such secrecy as an abominable precedent. He also thought that rebellions among the citizens were a normal medicine to the political organic body of the new. The bill of rights introduced into the constitutional processes the safeguards and defenses of the rights of the individuals which were more critical to the stability of the confederation. When the bill of rights was introduced, Jefferson believed that the nation would then safeguard individual liberties in a more concrete manner (Nash & Graves 120). When the Bill of Rights was introduced, the ordinary citizens were adequately represented and their rights defended along constitutional lines. Moreover, the laws made it possible for popular participation of the citizens which had the effect of easing some of the tensions and civil unrest or protests. Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton had differences regarding the nature of the confederation in a constitutional sense. However, the question of political parties also pitted the leaders in philosophical differences. Jefferson believed in a weaker central government and stronger and autonomous states. This was contrary to Hamiltonian convictions. As a very prominent and influential secretary of the treasury, always insisted in the strengthening of the federal government and made a lot of financial programs of taxation to modernize the state. Hamilton insisted in some interpretations of the constitution to favor greater federal controls which Jefferson detested. These included the creation of a National, Federal Bank and several taxation laws. Their differences emerged principally on Jefferson’s consideration that the Federal government needed not tax the ordinary citizens too much. d. As president, Jefferson drew back from his weak central government philosophy to engage in some actions that outraged even the Federalists. Discuss some of those actions and the Jeffersonian rationale behind them. As

Debt Vs. Equity Financing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Debt Vs. Equity Financing Paper - Essay Example On the other hand the process of issuing stock so as to raise capital for a firm is called â€Å"equity financing†. This is a study set out to discuss these two sources of financing for a firm and eventually choose the better alternative depending upon the merits and demerits associated with either. To achieve this, these will be a vivid answer to the question, â€Å"which are the differences between debt financing and equity financing and which alternative is preferable to the other?† (Livingstone and Grossman, 2001) Debt financing refers to the money borrowing from a source outside the business and this is accompanied with a promise to repay the principal together with the interest agreed upon by the parties. Start up as well as established companies usually turn to this source of financing to fund their operations. In the context of finance, a debt is also known as leverage. Examples of places or sources from which businesses can get debt finance may include banks and other sources like issuing by a private company or friends. Merits associated with debt finance are several. Firstly, debt financing helps a company maintain the ownership structure. That is, when a business borrows from a bank it is only obliged to pay principal and interest on time and that is the end of such an obligation. Secondly, its principal as well as interest are put in the profit and loss account of a business as expenses and this helps by deducting from the company the associated income taxes. (Richards, 2009) However, this funding source is disadvantageous to a business. The interest payments going with the debt increase the break-even point of a business. Also, the higher a company’s leverage or debt-to equity ratio the chances of securing credit from a lender. A debt can also restrict the actions of the management of a company in that owners of the firm are obliged to personally guarantee loans and thus may be called for to secure repayment by pledging

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Paper #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Paper #1 - Assignment Example He termed the use of such secrecy as an abominable precedent. He also thought that rebellions among the citizens were a normal medicine to the political organic body of the new. The bill of rights introduced into the constitutional processes the safeguards and defenses of the rights of the individuals which were more critical to the stability of the confederation. When the bill of rights was introduced, Jefferson believed that the nation would then safeguard individual liberties in a more concrete manner (Nash & Graves 120). When the Bill of Rights was introduced, the ordinary citizens were adequately represented and their rights defended along constitutional lines. Moreover, the laws made it possible for popular participation of the citizens which had the effect of easing some of the tensions and civil unrest or protests. Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton had differences regarding the nature of the confederation in a constitutional sense. However, the question of political parties also pitted the leaders in philosophical differences. Jefferson believed in a weaker central government and stronger and autonomous states. This was contrary to Hamiltonian convictions. As a very prominent and influential secretary of the treasury, always insisted in the strengthening of the federal government and made a lot of financial programs of taxation to modernize the state. Hamilton insisted in some interpretations of the constitution to favor greater federal controls which Jefferson detested. These included the creation of a National, Federal Bank and several taxation laws. Their differences emerged principally on Jefferson’s consideration that the Federal government needed not tax the ordinary citizens too much. d. As president, Jefferson drew back from his weak central government philosophy to engage in some actions that outraged even the Federalists. Discuss some of those actions and the Jeffersonian rationale behind them. As

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Relations Between Islamic Fundementalism and Muslim Democracy Essay

The Relations Between Islamic Fundementalism and Muslim Democracy - Essay Example Since the beginning of 1990s, there have arisen Muslim oriented parties, but which are not fundamental or Islamist in their ideals, and which have successfully vied and won political seats in countries such as Bangladesh, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan. Unlike fundamentalists who advocate for the introduction of Sharia or Islamic law, the proponents of Muslim Democracy are seen to be more realistic in their view since they are found to be accommodative of religious and secular ideals in their approach to politics (Kepel, 2003). They are seen to disagree with the notion that a Muslim country must be governed by Sharia law, but are seen to lean towards the creation of electoral processes that are viable and accommodative of different shades of opinion so as to serve interests that are both Islamic and secular, thereby respecting the thus created democratic space whether they win in the elections or lose. They are not seen to have the motive of integrating Islam into politics but are only seen to exploit its potential through the teaching of Islamic values to help them win elections. All the same, democratization processes which are all inclusive seem to be more appealing than the path of religious and ideological change and Islamic democracy hence they are seen to be on the upper hand in shaping the political destinies of many countries in the Islamic world. Fundamentalists on the other hand do not view Democracy as an issue to be taken seriously or legitimately but only as a means to ascend to political power so as to acquire the platform through which to build an Islamic state (Roy 2006). The observers of the changes being experienced in the Muslim world have associated these changes with influence due to interaction locally and globally and the advent of internet technology. The success of Muslim democracy does not seem to have resulted from any theological or ideological process, but for being seen to address issues from a practical perspective that gives assurance to the electorate that its needs are all well taken care of. The two concepts of fundamentalism and Muslim democracy in their various ways have resulted in regime change in their respective countries, including change that was facilitated by fundamentalists in Iran and Morocco, the changes that have been occasioned by the Muslim Democracy proponents in the areas affected by the Arab spring namely Egypt, Tunisia and Libya (Kepel, 2003). The concepts are both at the forefront in struggling for political power in ruling governments even as each espouses its ideals to convince the masses, though Muslim democracy seems to be on the upper hand. There are various factors that have contributed to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism’s openness to democracy. After gauging the preference of masses, the trend has been that Islamist or secular parties are not currently as popular as those with Muslim values and moderate Islamic policies. This latter principle along which M uslim democratic parties are molded, is attracting a large section of voters since they are also more compatible with world politics. Putting a lot of rhetoric and theory aside, Muslim democracy party ideals have similarities with the Christian Democratic Party’s trend of Europe in the past and thus have had appeal as compared to the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Thesis statement Essay Example for Free

Thesis statement Essay Write a thesis statement each as per the Feminist theory of Criticism and the Reader-Centered theory of Criticism based on â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Use the author’s name in it. Some of the tips you could use are as follows- Feminist- Use words such as â€Å"depicts† ,† illustrates† â€Å" portrays† etc. Determine what it says about women in general. Determine how it portrays the main female character(s) in the selection; about her traits. What does the selection reveal about the author’s attitude towards women? What does the conflict, or the setting reveal about the condition of women? What is the main female character’s reaction to the situation/ conflict? Reader-Centered Use words / phrases such as â€Å"evokes feelings of†,† forces the readers to think†, â€Å"impresses upon the reader† etc. . Decide what the most striking feature of the story is. What distinguishes the author’s style from those of others? The subject, vocabulary used, sentence length, point of view, imagery, local color, use of dialect, tone and some other aspects can be considered to comment on his/ her style. Make connections between text to text, text to world, text to media. Write a thesis statement each as per the Feminist theory of Criticism and the Reader-Centered theory of Criticism based on â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Use the author’s name in it. Some of the tips you could use are as follows- Feminist- Use words such as â€Å"depicts† ,† illustrates† â€Å" portrays† etc. Determine what it says about women in general. Determine how it portrays the main female character(s) in the selection; about her traits. What does the selection reveal about the author’s attitude towards women? What does the conflict, or the setting reveal about the condition of women? What is the main female character’s reaction to the situation/ conflict? Reader-Centered Use words / phrases such as â€Å"evokes feelings of†,† forces the readers to think†, â€Å"impresses upon the reader† etc.. Decide what the most striking feature of the story is. What distinguishes the author’s style from those of others? The subject, vocabulary used, sentence length, point of view, imagery, local color, use of dialect, tone and some other aspects can be considered to comment on his/ her style. Make connections between text to text, text to world, text to media. Write a thesis statement each as per the Feminist theory of Criticism and the Reader-Centered theory of Criticism based on â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Use the author’s name in it. Some of the tips you could use are as follows- Feminist- Use words such as â€Å"depicts† ,† illustrates† â€Å" portrays† etc. Determine what it says about women in general. Determine how it portrays the main female character(s) in the selection; about her traits. What does the selection reveal about the author’s attitude towards women? What does the conflict, or the setting reveal about the condition of women? What is the main female character’s reaction to the situation/ conflict? Reader-Centered Use words / phrases such as â€Å"evokes feelings of†,† forces the readers to think†, â€Å"impresses upon the reader† etc.. Decide what the most striking feature of the story is. What distinguishes the author’s style from those of others? The subject, vocabulary used, sentence length, point of view, imagery, local color, use of dialect, tone and some other aspects can be considered to comment on his/ her style. Make connections between text to text, text to world, text to media.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The importance of tourism in the global economy

The importance of tourism in the global economy Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 2 presents an outline of the tourism industry while emphasizing on the growing importance of the sector in the global economy to postulate the potential of the tourism industry. It emphasizes on country identity and country image. Hence, literature review is formulated to foster a theoretical framework for the premises of answering the research question. A global perspective on the Tourism Industry â€Å"Shorter working hours, greater individual prosperity, faster and less expensive travel, and the impact of advanced technology has all helped to make the leisure and tourism industry the fastest growing industry in the world† (Edgell, Sr., 1990). Tourism has become a flourishing industry in the twentieth century, where destinations rely massively on their natural and manmade resources to build their tourism industry. Nowadays, it is viewed as a major element for economic development and growth. The tourism industry is seen as the most highly significant and integral part of any economy. It is also an industry which generates employment and foreign exchange earnings, Lim (1997) and Crouch (1996). World Tourism Organization projected the international arrival by the year 2020 to be around 1.56 billion. Out of the projected number, intraregional number is expected to rise to 1,2 billion. Therefore, the projection for long haul travellers alone is estimated to reach 0.4 billion. Notably, statistics indicates that long haul travelers will increase at a rate of 5.4 percent yearly, between 1995 – 2020. This prediction for increase in long haul opens an avenue for distant destinations as Mauritius and others WTO (2006). The figures above indicate that the tourism industry is a very promising one. However, to attract tourists to the destination, it is important to understand their psychology and buying attitudes so as to have a more precise marketing campaign that will attract them in the first instance itself. The literature that follows gives more insight on the topic. Tourism in Mauritius Mauritius is a subtropical island in the Indian Ocean, strategically positioned at the intersection of Africa and Asia, at 855 km east of Madagascar. According to statistics Mauritius, Mauritius has welcomed 786,963 visitors from January to October 2013 against 765,578 travelers for the same calendar period in 2012. The Bank of Mauritius, state that Gross tourism receipts for the first nine months of 2013 were at Rs 41,500 million. For 2014, tourism receipt is estimated to be Rs. 44,500 million. Mauritius is a renowned destination for Quality Tourism- along with being exotic, safe, beautiful and peaceful; it has a unique combination of diverse cultures, well run hotels. All these have enable Mauritius to develop from nothing to become one among its main pillars. Mauritius has a well established reputation for its tourism industry in the international tourism market. The next five most popular destinations for holidays, according to Travel and Leisure magazine, are Mauritius, New Zealand, Spain, South Africa and Norway. Mauritius is the only resort destination in this set. In addition, during the International Tourism Conclave Travel Awards (ITCTA) held in Jaipur Rajasthan, on October 2013, Mauritius has also received the award for Best Destination Country. Country identity versus country image Since country identity is at the core of this dissertation, it is worthwhile to give an overview of the literature thereof. A destination has unique characteristics that enable it to differentiate itself in the international market. These unique features are called the country identity. Hence country image is formed by country identity. Therefore, this section addresses and country identity cues and country image. It starts with an introduction of the theory of country image and country identity followed by the significant elements that build up a country’s image and ends by a discussion on the causes of image and tourist destination. A good image and a positive reputation are probably the most valuable assets a country can possess. (Papadopoulos Heslop, 2002:295) Country Identity According to Nworah (2004), Building the image of a country is the way through which a country is actively seeking to build a unique and competitive identity with the intention of positioning the country internally and externally as a good destination for trade, tourism and investment. This identity is created based on the combination of exceptional factors of attractiveness that will enable it to be ahead of competitors, Moilanan and Rainisto, (2009). According to Buhalis (2000), these exceptional factors can characterize in the six A’s framework illustrated in the table below: Table 1: Six A’s Framework for the analysis of tourism destinations Source: (Buhalis (2000) Elements of country identity Elements of country identity are predominant and are stated to influence an individual’s `opinion of a country image that cannot be changed or manipulated for the purpose of place marketing. The various aspects of country image that directly influences its image are discussed therein. However, for the purpose of this research, only few aspects of country identity, that directly impact on a destination’s image, are analyzed. Country main factors Country main factors describes various attributes of country identity, which are predominant and which are cited to impact on an individual’s perception of a country image and it cannot be changed or manipulated for the purpose of place marketing. The works within the theory are adopted from diverse sources like Beerli Martin (2004), Kotler Gerner (2002) Kotler et al. 1993, 121 – 135). Destinations– specific elements and their image significance are relatively obvious, because of the limitation of this research only few features of the country specific are addressed. Personal factors The image of a country is form based on the stereotypes that people hold on that place. Stereotypes of place or an image, develops over time and space and spread from the premises of the familiarity with illustrations of renowned people and knowledge of the products of a given country, etc. Because image is more of a personal interpretation, image that people have of a country differs from stereotypes. Hence, the image(s) that people have about the same place may vary depending on the individual’s own, wants, enthusiasm, prior knowledge and fondness (Beerli Martin 2004, 653). Personal factors can be classified as, psychological and social. Psychological factors have already been discussed in the consumer behavior section. Personal unique motivations, beliefs and personality, social aspects comprise of individual, educational achievements, age background and other social factors (Balogu McCleary 1999, 870). Therefore, the attributes enumerated above, are said to affect a person’s assessment on any product, service and for the purpose of this research, a destination. Geographical Location When dealing with country image, the geographical location of the destination cannot be neglected. Geographical location refers to the accessibility of the destination, and it therefore influences the travelling costs to a given place (country). This aspect is important because it knowingly impacts on consumer’s choice to a long haul country (Vuoristo 2003, 55; Oppermann 2000, 99). Outstandingly, recently, most European tourists have been attracted to travel to closer destinations that meet their needs like â€Å"sun and shores† as Spain and Asia rather than opting for distant destinations. To respond to the demands of the European market, Asian countries have orchestrated their destinations because of its closeness to Europe and thus compete with low-priced packages compared to long distance locations like as Mauritius or Seychelles or even Australia. From the point of view of European or American travelers, when considering time factor to travel to a distant destination and the cost of travelling as criteria, Mauritius in this instance is viewed as a distant location. To support this argument the number of European travelers visiting Mauritius has decreased from 51,529 in 2013 to 50,548 in 2014, for the month of January. (CSO, 2014). Geopolitics As far as geopolitics is concerned, the political atmosphere can influence the accessibility of the destination and the overall image of the said country. For example, during the period of Mao of China, his politics and opinions made tourists less keen to visit the destination. WTO has projected the future of China as being a leader in the world by being the first world class destination that will charm greatest number of tourists by the year 2020. Therefore, to cater for this market new China is determined to converting its politics, protocols and evolving infrastructures which now interest international investors, and tourists towards its destination (Weaver Oppermann 2000). Political accessibility is the regulations, policies, concerning mainly immigration conditions under which a tourist is regulated to have access to that country. Complicated country accessibility in terms of tourist visas procedures, levying costly visas, complicated procedures contributes largely leads in dem oralizing a destination image. Climate and Culture The attributes of climate and nature, impacts on the formation of country image to a great extent depending on the background of the individual in question. Furthermore, the necessity and wish for a change is among the most dominant factors in tourism decision-making. As a result, individuals coming from very cold climate are more likely to opt for warmer and exotic destinations. Persons coming from developed and urban background might be charmed by nature and adventure (Vuoristo 2003, 29). In instance, the rise in globalization is believed to fuel homogenous culture and tourists are highly interested in revisiting outstanding heritage locations so as to re-capture the lost culture and practices. For instance countries like Egypt, Istanbul and Italy are well appreciated by their profound heritage spots and rich history. Distance – Decay Distance decay indicates the tendency of inbound tourism moves to decline as areas become more distant from the destination (Weaver Oppermann 2000, 98). Gallarza et al (2002, 61), suggest that distance plays an important role in the image formation process. It is also mentioned that the country’s size and global power regarding its economy and politics primarily impacts on the distance – decay effects. Luostarinen (2002) also shares this opinion, in his study he found out that the distance between country of origin and the target market impacts on the international market policy. Even if these studies have been dedicated towards organizations, however the same rules are appropriate with regard of tourist destination. Travel Intermediaries Travel intermediaries refer to travel agents and tour operators and they are considered as essential information facilitators. They are strategically positioned at the frontier and having direct contact with travelers or future travelers making them in a solid position to impose destination images to travelers based on the information that they have. Andreu et al. (2002) stated that travel intermediaries are important â€Å"protagonist† who spread information to tourists or possible tourists and thereby impact on, image and choices of travel. Therefore, tour operators or travel agents have the art of painting the picture of any tourist destination based on how they want to sell that destination. Travel operators sell a destination with simple information retrieved from the countries they represent. The marketing material that is, brochures, web pages, personal experience, and so on are at their disposal and are significant in designing an unreal destination to the potential customers. The amount of information available on the internet has allowed travelers with a wealth of information at their disposals. With click of a mouse anyone can easily retrieve essential information about any destination. Therefore customers cannot be fooled easily. However, most travelers rely greatly on information given by those travel intermediaries whose trade is to deal directly on travel destinations. Balogu Mangaloglu (2001) have argued that images that travel intermediaries have of a destination is the same as those held by customers in general. Konecnik ( ibid) stated â€Å" mainly for international destinations, the role of travel intermediaries in promoting and framing images of the destination is enhanced, because of tourists who are more apt to consider travel intermediaries in their selections of destination† It can be said that travel intermediaries has an important role in image formation of a destination. (Ashwoth Voogd (1994, 49) Stimulus Factors Concerning information source, Balogu and Mac Cleary (1999, 892) concluded that the variety and the quantity of information sources adds positively to a cognitive assessment of a destination. Hence, destinations need to encourage everyone to make use of several information sources available. In instance, Media has mainly arranged in painting US facade with image features perceived today (super power and wealth). Thus common media vehicles includes, television, radio, movie to internet has proved significant in dissemination of information to the general public. According to WTO (2006) â€Å"it is significant for marketers to tracking of new stories for necessary action. Instance, rapid response to erroneous information news stories affecting the tourism industry† World media leaders like as BBC, CNN acknowledge the role of media and its effects.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Seriousness of in Shakespeares Comedy of Errors Essay -- Shakespe

The Seriousness of The Comedy of Errors      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Comedy of Errors has often been dismissed as a mere farce, unworthy of any serious attention. Yet, when the author is Shakespeare, even a "farce" is well worth a second look. Shakespeare himself may have takent his comedic work quite seriously, for audiences expected comedy of his day not only to entertain, but also to morally instruct. It is not surprising, therefore, that for one of his earliest comedies, Shakespeare found a model in the plays of Plautus and Terence, which were studied in all Elizabethan Grammar Schools, praised by schoolmasters, and critically respectable. (Muir 3)    The Menaechmi was the first Plautus play to appear in translation, and was a popular school text (Muir 16). Amphitruo, the second Plautus play informing The Comedy of Errors, was available in English translation by 1562-63, and was similarly taught (Miola 22). Plautus and Terence texts served the schools not as entertainment, but as teaching tools for literature and both oral Latin and vernacular languages. Schoolmasters even used prepared study guides to the plays in their instruction:    The academic approbation of Roman comedy in the Renaissance was largely a linguistic, rhetorical, and didactic enterprize: commentators provided lexical and metrical information, expository paraphrase, grammatical analysis, explanatory notes, classical cross references, and the identification of rhetorical figures. (Miola 4) Richard Bernard, for example, translator of the first complete bilingual edition of Terence, organized from the text a helpful list of Formulae loquendi (phrases useful for Latin conversation) and Sententiae (wise sayings) to accompany each scene (Muir 4). If no w... ...owever, indicates that Shakespeare meant The Comedy of Errors to provide more than just a good laugh.       Works Cited and Consulted    * Brockett, Oscar G. History of the Theatre. Fifth ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1987. * Epstein, Norris. The Friendly Shakespeare. New York: Viking, 1993. * Miola, Robert S. Shakespeare and Classical Comedy: The Influence of Plautus and Terence. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. * Muir, Kenneth. Shakespeare's Comic Sequence. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1979. * Riehle, Wolfgang. Shakespeare, Plautus, and the Humanist Tradition. Cambridge: Brewer, 1990. * Shaheen, Naseeb. Biblical References in Shakespeare's Comedies. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1993. * Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans, et al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974.  Ã‚   The Seriousness of in Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors Essay -- Shakespe The Seriousness of The Comedy of Errors      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Comedy of Errors has often been dismissed as a mere farce, unworthy of any serious attention. Yet, when the author is Shakespeare, even a "farce" is well worth a second look. Shakespeare himself may have takent his comedic work quite seriously, for audiences expected comedy of his day not only to entertain, but also to morally instruct. It is not surprising, therefore, that for one of his earliest comedies, Shakespeare found a model in the plays of Plautus and Terence, which were studied in all Elizabethan Grammar Schools, praised by schoolmasters, and critically respectable. (Muir 3)    The Menaechmi was the first Plautus play to appear in translation, and was a popular school text (Muir 16). Amphitruo, the second Plautus play informing The Comedy of Errors, was available in English translation by 1562-63, and was similarly taught (Miola 22). Plautus and Terence texts served the schools not as entertainment, but as teaching tools for literature and both oral Latin and vernacular languages. Schoolmasters even used prepared study guides to the plays in their instruction:    The academic approbation of Roman comedy in the Renaissance was largely a linguistic, rhetorical, and didactic enterprize: commentators provided lexical and metrical information, expository paraphrase, grammatical analysis, explanatory notes, classical cross references, and the identification of rhetorical figures. (Miola 4) Richard Bernard, for example, translator of the first complete bilingual edition of Terence, organized from the text a helpful list of Formulae loquendi (phrases useful for Latin conversation) and Sententiae (wise sayings) to accompany each scene (Muir 4). If no w... ...owever, indicates that Shakespeare meant The Comedy of Errors to provide more than just a good laugh.       Works Cited and Consulted    * Brockett, Oscar G. History of the Theatre. Fifth ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1987. * Epstein, Norris. The Friendly Shakespeare. New York: Viking, 1993. * Miola, Robert S. Shakespeare and Classical Comedy: The Influence of Plautus and Terence. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. * Muir, Kenneth. Shakespeare's Comic Sequence. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1979. * Riehle, Wolfgang. Shakespeare, Plautus, and the Humanist Tradition. Cambridge: Brewer, 1990. * Shaheen, Naseeb. Biblical References in Shakespeare's Comedies. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1993. * Shakespeare, William. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans, et al. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974.  Ã‚  

Friday, October 11, 2019

Bullfighting in the Sun Also Rises

Jonathan Rowe Essay 1: The Sun Also Rises English 42 Doctor Speirs 3/28/2010 No Bull in Bullfighting In The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway writes â€Å"nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters† (100). Spoken by Jake, this line exemplifies the importance that bullfighting plays in the novel. It's not only portrayed as a sport, but rather as a complex, mathematical art in the form of a dance between the bull and fighter. The matador scene in chapter 18 is perhaps one of the richest in the novel due to it's use of symbols.The choreography between Romero and the bull is reflective not only of the characterization of Brett and Jake, but of the relationship between Brett, her masculinity, and her effect on the other male characters. It also provides penetrating insight to the role that Robert Cohn plays as a foil, and how he contrasts with the other characters. The most prominent correlation that the bullfighting scene carries in terms of symbolism is a par allel to Brett's sexuality. On a closer inspection, the fight also resembles an improvised dance between two partners.Each dancer has a designated terrain, and â€Å"as long as a bullfighter stays in his own terrain he is comparatively safe† (213). And a dance between two partners can be compared to the tumultuous events that love can bring, for example the relationship between Brett and Jake. It's interesting to note that early in the novel, Brett responds to Jake's inquiry of living together by saying that she'd just â€Å"tromper† him (55), a French word meaning to abuse and cheat. The diction almost resembles an animalistic quality, as well as the word â€Å"trample,† foreshadowing the symbolism behind the bullfighting scene.Just like Romero is luring and enticing the bull with his cape, Brett lures men with her charisma and charm, and refuses to bring any meaningful relationship to fruition. The diction of the scene involving Romero and the bull also carrie s some sexual overtones. Romero had to â€Å"make the bull consent with his body,† (217) creating an image where the man and â€Å"the bull were all one sharply etched mass† (217). In terms of symbolism, Romero is reflective of Brett, and the bull represents the men that Brett seduces. His method is to be â€Å"all so slow and so controlled† (217) at first, to lure the bull into proximity.Similarly, Brett lures men in with her brazen sexuality. The end result is the same however, with the bull and the men she's involved with. Romero will fight and kill the bull, just like Brett will lure men and eventually leave them. It's â€Å"all for sport, all for pleasure† (208). Brett's attraction to Romero can be explained in terms of his masculinity. Romero is somewhat of a perfect male, he's an aficionado, brave, beautiful, and held in very high esteem by everyone he encounters as well as being the favorite fighter of the crowd. He resembles Brett's masculinity.S he's given a unnisex name, has short hair, and even refers to everyone as â€Å"chaps. † She seems to mingle only with other men, possibly because she's shunned by other females for her promiscuity. While Romero and the bull most closely represent Brett and Jake, upon closer inspection another similarity can be drawn between Belmonte and Robert Cohn. Belmonte is a symbol for Cohn and his relationship with the other characters. Just like how Belmonte serves as a foil to the decadent style of Mercial and valor of Romero, Cohn is a foil to the other characters around him.While Romero would tease the audience with his graceful style and fighting close to the bull, Belmonte, now resuming bullfighting out of retirement, simply â€Å"gave the sensation of coming tragedy† and only gave the illusion of being close to the bull. He was once a great fighter, but now refuses to subscribe to the new â€Å"decadent† (215) bullfighting style. His fighting style represents Cohn in the sense that they both had their shining moment—Cohn's brief relationship with Brett, and Belmonte's glory days of bullfighting: which they're still trying to win back.Belmonte stands apart from the other fighters because he adheres to an traditional form of fighting. Similarly, Cohn is the only character with no involvement in the war, he preserves a sort of innocence and value system that disappeared with the â€Å"lost generation. † He tries to preserve the idea that sex equals intimacy and love, and throughout the novel his clumsy attempts to win back Brett are reflective of his refusal to understand that his brief relationship with Brett was simply a series of sexual encounters, nothing more.In conclusion, part of what makes Hemingway's style so unique is that he simply shows, without much telling. The matador scene in chapter 18 is rich because it provides penetrating insight with it's symbolism; Lady Brett with her elusive nature with men is captured throug h Romero's matador technique. The fact that Romero penetrates the bull with his sword accentuates the inherent masculinity that Brett displays—a sort of role reversal. Chapter 18 also highlights the character of Cohn, and his role as a foil and it's parallels to Belmonte's traditional fighting style.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Consider and explore how far Susan Hill encourages us to feel Sympathy for The Woman In Black

This chilling ghost story, written by one of Britain’s outstanding writers, Susan Hill, was first published in 1989. It took just 6 weeks over the summer for Hill to produce this masterpiece. The Woman in Black maintains the reader’s attention the whole way through the book, keeping them hooked onto every word. Hill has written it in a very clever way, making the reader feel the greatest sympathy for The Woman in certain parts of the novel, but in other parts she makes the reader feel the complete contrast. Hill demonstrates this at the start of the book, when we feel sympathy for The Woman when Arthur sees her at her sister’s funeral.We feel sympathy ‘that a women who was perhaps only a short time from her own death, should drag herself to the funeral of another’. This makes the reader feel sad for The Woman. Another reason the reader does not dislike The Woman is that even though she obviously feels hurt by her sister; she still makes the effort to go to her funeral. The reader also feels great sympathy at Mrs. Drablow’s funeral when Arthur realises that The Woman is suffering from ‘some terrible wasting disease’. ‘Only the thinnest layer of flesh was tautly stretched and strained over [The Woman’s’] bones’.We also feel sympathy that she is ‘quite possibly no more than thirty’, as a woman of her age would tend to care more about her beauty. The disease is also incurable which makes us again feel sympathy. The fact that her child was born illegitimately, meant that she had to give him up when he was very young, also makes the reader feel compassion for The Woman. Jennet was not even allowed to visit her beloved son and was forced to live ‘hundreds of miles away’. This obviously deeply upset her as ‘she threatened violently’ when she was told she could not see Nathanial.We also feel that it must have pained her that it was her own sister that was keeping her away from her son. When she was finally allowed to visit her son she could ‘never see the boy alone nor ever disclose she had any relationship with him’. It must have been terrible for The Woman to not be able to tell her son that she was his mother. Another thing which would have saddened her was to see her son acting towards another woman like she was his mother but to her like a stranger. Hill makes us feel sympathy for The Woman when she had to witness the brutal drowning  of her child, knowing she could do nothing to save her son. This must have been a truly terrible experience and the reader feels extreme empathy for her.The noise of her son breathing his last breaths, his ‘cry’, ‘shout’ and then his ‘terrified sobbing’, must have haunted her for the rest of her life. This would have been worsened by the fact that she knew she could have saved her son if she had not let her sister take him out that day. Hill makes the reader feel compassion for Jennet that for most of her life she was mentally tormented by ‘desire for revenge’.The Woman is described as a ‘crazed, troubled women, dead of grief and distress, filled with hatred’. This shows that Hill is again making the reader feel sympathetic towards Jennet, who had obviously loved her child so much that she was driven crazy by revenge to get back at Alice, who she believed, cruelly snatched her child out of her arms. We feel that The Woman was not responsible for some of her actions as her mind was clearly clouded. The writer then uses Jennet’s disease to make us feel understanding for her. Because of her disease ‘she looked like a walking skeleton-a living spectre.When she went about the streets, people drew back. ’ This would be terrible for The Woman, that her appearance was enough to make people not want to even look at her, let alone talk to her, further heightening her feeling of being alone. The fact that ‘children were terrified of her’ would have been deeply saddening for a grieving mother. Susan Hill encourages the reader to feel sadness for The Woman when we learn about the circumstances of her death. She makes us pity The Woman because ‘she died in hatred and misery’ and she also died alone and isolated. Not one person loved, cared or even liked her.Hill makes us sympathise with her as no one would like to die knowing that no one cherished them, and that no one would miss them. Even Arthur, who was severely affected by The Woman, sympathises with her. Near the end of the novel he refers to the reasons she went mad and says, ‘Was there any wonder? ’. This shows that even though Arthur bitterly disliked The Woman, he can understand that with the terrible, tragic events that happened in Jennet’s life, it was no wonder she went mad. However even though Hill makes us sympathise and pity The Woman, in many parts in th e novel, she also makes us feel hatred and loathing towards her.This is demonstrated when we learn that she has probably been haunting her sister for many years, up until her death. This would have been terrible for ‘old Mrs. Drablow’, as she was all on her own in a big, old, isolated house. It must have also been terrible for her to know that it was her own sister who was haunting her, someone who should have loved and cared for her. Hill also makes us feel dislike for The Woman when the reader discovers that Jennet ‘blamed her sister’ for Nathan’s death, when in fact it was ‘no one’s fault’.Alice was kind enough to care for her child, yet Jennet gives her no thanks for that, only blamed her when something beyond her control goes wrong. Hill also makes us have no sympathy when she tries to take the life of yet another innocent being. This is when Arthur is at Eel Marsh House with Spider. The Woman whistles Spider to come, playing on his weakness. The vulnerable dog follows the sound, which almost leads to his and Arthur’s death. ill HHill makes us despise The Woman for this, because if Arthur had not been there to rescue Spider, Jennet would have succeeded in taking the life of another innocent being.This also shows that The Woman is more than just a mental threat to Arthur and the other people she torments; she is also a physical threat. The way that The Woman gets her revenge is the thing that earns her the most hatred. How she takes innocent, blameless lives of children, the sole reason being that her child died, something which the children lives she takes have nothing to do with. The children do not die peacefully either; they die in ‘some violent or dreadful circumstance’. The fact that The Woman does all of this just so she can get her revenge, again, makes the reader feel no sympathy for what had happened to her child.The Woman doesn’t just torment children; she also cause s great distress to Mr. Jerome, a young man who was in no way to blame. Hill makes us feel hatred towards The Woman because of how severely she has evidently affected him. We can tell this because when The Woman is mentioned, Jerome goes into ‘a state of near-collapse’. Arthur also notices ‘how seriously he was affected’, when he tries to have a conversation with him about The Woman and his skin turned ‘a sickly greyish’ colour.Hill does not encourage us to feel sympathy for The Woman as the novel is written from Arthur’s point of view and The Woman is horrible to Arthur. It appears that almost as soon as The Woman sets eyes on Arthur she feels hatred towards him. This is first demonstrated when Arthur encounters The Woman at Eel March House. The expression on her face was one of ‘purest hatred and loathing’. This again wills us to dislike The Woman, why would she detest someone so much, when he has done nothing wrong to her ? Another way that Hill gets us to feel absolutely no sympathy for The Woman is when she comes after Arthur and his family.The fact that Arthur is trying to get over her and start a new chapter in his life, and then The Woman appears and ruins it for him. She kills his innocent child, but still this is not enough. The Woman then goes on to give Stella, Arthur’s wife, ‘terrible injures’. This eventually ends in Stella’s death; however she does not have an instant death where she feels no suffering, but a painful, prolonged, miserable death. The Woman then forces Arthur ‘to live through it all’, makes him watch Stella gradually fade away, all-the-while he is grieving over the recent loss of his child.The final way that Hill encourages us to feel no sympathy for The Woman is when she reveals what The Woman has done to the nursery. Whereas before The Woman set foot in it it was orderly and peaceful, after she did it was ‘in a state of disarr ay’. Hill uses this to symbolise that before The Woman appears in people’s lives, they are much like how the nursery originally was, orderly and peaceful. However when she intrudes in them, they quickly turn into ‘a state of disarray’. Some of the toys are also broken; this represents how some people cannot recover their lives.Hill uses the nursery to makes us feel no sympathy towards The Woman because of the way she can destroy others’ lives. In conclusion I think that Susan Hill has been very clever in the way she wrote this book, encouraging us to feel sympathy for The Woman In Black in some parts or the book, and encoraging us to feel hatred and disgust with The Woman in other parts. I think that The Woman’s past explains her actions however it does not justify the terible things she did to all of those innocent, blameless people. By Ellie Vaughan